The Homepage Of THE ORANGE COMMITTEE About The Cost of Freedom Guest Book @ The Orange Committee Favorite Links What's New @ The Orange Committee Contact Us The Orange Committee


The Orange Committee was established to assist disabled veterans of military service to the United States.

There is a myth that has persisted in the general population of citizens, it is believed that when a soldier is greviously injured in service he recieves $1million in cash compensation, "The million dollar bullet." That could not be further from the truth. In fact the veteran in most cases must continue to fight the Veterans Administration for the various types of medical care he or she needs the rest of their life. And cash compensation does not exceed the level of full SSA compensation. As each year goes by inflation and rising costs of living eroad the value of that compensation.

If that vereran then pushes the system and does become entered into the Voc-Rehab. program it would be next to impossable for them to recieve reeducation benifites. The benefits for continued education in college or trade/ technical school that would allow them to put a new life together. The Veterans Administration just does not believe that anyone who has been rehabilitated from a major physical disability is able to succeed in a formal educational setting. Therefore it is seemingly department policy to use any finding of PTSD in the veternas medical file to wash them out of the program administratively.

The Orange Committee believes other wise, from the seeming general policy of the Veterans Administration on the topic of higher education and the rehabilitated veteran. We feel the veteran would and should recieve the benefit of the doubt and prove that with their GPA and accademic standing in college or technical school. Such a level of proof is what we reward with a grant of funds in several catagories.


this is what you can do in such a small way.

#1) put a $1 or $5 or $10 or $20 bill in a envelope and mail it to this committee. be shure to place it in a folded single or double folded page of paper so that in is not noticable. YOU WILL FEEL MUCH BETTER FOR HAVING DONE THIS.

#2) Tell as many persons about this website as you are able to tell.

#3) Once you do that you will be sent a welcome letter and how you can make a commission from assisting the raising of funds for this project will be sent you. So be sure to have your return address and name clearly on the envelope. And include (2) 1st class postage stamps please.

Mail to: The Orange Committee 3244 North Bryce Road Golden Valley, Arizona 86413-9204

There are no updates at this time. As they are available they will be posted.

As we develop this web site and take into interest your suggestions for making it better, these will all be posted. We thank you for your email and suggestions.

THE COST OF FREEDOM: Blood sweat & tears.

Another idea for my home page's text is notifying visitors about the enhancements I put on my site. For example, I want visitors to sign my guestbook or fill out my survey Form E-mailer to answer questions about my site, my business, or my site's topic.

Getting Rich Quick--From My Site! or wealthy at least !!

There are going to be several websites that I feel are important for you to visit. These are legitimate companies that you can be involved in and earn some money over the internet. And they also are sending support to this committee for our work. Some of the affilliate programs we are referring you to may not be in your interest. Please keep an open mind, we are reaching a vary large diverse audience at this website and would like to offer the best selection of opportunities.

All of these are going to be listed in red text with a link next to the domain name in red text. Any other adds you may see are banners and add devices placed here by the webhosts of this subdomain.

Check out this one:WWW.THEBESTONLINESYSTEM.COM When You get There enter access code [ 151293]  Listen to the info and watch the video then call toll free 1-877-970-0136 Say Howard Sent me he thinks this is interesting and I could make good money at it.

Behind The Wizards' Curtain. Behind the scenes at the committee.

In this section I would like to add stories and photos from each of you out there. Stories about how you are fund raising for this NON PROFIT ORG.

Wether you are an associate of this group and are earning a commission.

Tell us about some of the recomended websites we have listed and how you are doing there with them. And email us your pics of your group if there is one or just you.